November 9, 2023
Perry Central Settles Teacher Contract
For Immediate Release
Leopold, IN: At Monday’s meeting, Perry Central’s Board of School Trustees voted unanimously to approve the Master Contract with Perry Central Classroom Teachers Association. The contract increased teachers’ salaries, as well as making changes to the health insurance premium structure. Vanessa Johson, Association President, and high school science teacher, shared that the teachers had previously approved the contract that includes an average percentage raise for teachers of 9.66%.
Dr. Tara Bishop shared that the average dollar increase in salaries was $5,285, adding that the corporation invested $350,000 of new money toward teacher salaries.
Bishop expressed her appreciation to Association members for their willingness to make changes to the current health insurance structure, changing the contract language from a corporation contribution defined as a percentage to a set dollar amount for each type of plan. Bishop stated, “We value the work of our teachers and want to do all we can to recruit and retain the very best. We are fortunate to share a common vision with our Teachers Association to continually strengthen Perry Central Schools as we serve students and the school community.” The salary range at Perry Central is $46,000 (with a Bachelor's Degree) to the top of the scale of $79,350 (Master's Degree + 30 hours).
Johnson added, “At Perry Central bargaining isn’t adversarial. We know the administration and the board want to invest in teachers, so we roll up our sleeves and work together on solutions.” Other provisions of the contract included small increases to the Extra Curricular Schedule.
School Board President Tim Edwards emphasized, "Our teachers are the backbone of our school system. Their dedication and hard work are crucial to Perry Central's success. We believe that this contract shows our dedication to supporting our educators and upholding the high standards that have become a cornerstone of Perry Central’s success with our students and our reputation across the state for progressive approaches to education.”
18677 Old State Road 37, Leopold, IN 47551 | (812) 843-5576 | www.pccs.k12.in.us